Penned by the Soapmaker

The very best reason to use handmade soap is the ingredients. Typically, handmade soap is made of vegetable oils and butters that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients that are essential to healthy skin. I can’t count how many times customers have told me that handmade soap has not only improved their skin, but changed their lives by relieving them of itchiness, dryness and skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. Everyone wants healthy skin and switching to daily use of handmade soap is the best place to start. If you need help finding the right soap for your needs, don’t hesitate to ask your soapmaker questions. We take pride in our ingredients and are excited to share our knowledge with you.

It is commonly called soap, but that mass produced commercial stuff that you get at the grocery store is anything but. You have an array of personal cleansers to choose from that are labeled as deodorant soap, body bars, body washes and my personal favorite (eyes roll) the beauty bar. These are just chemical cocktails made of detergents and downright disturbing synthetic ingredients that dehydrate and age skin, cause allergic reactions and have been linked to various forms of cancer. Handmade soap is the real deal and one of the most appealing aspects is that harmful and unnecessary ingredients are NOT added to make it.

Glycerin isn’t added to a handmade soap recipe – it’s created during the soap making process! Glycerin is a precious emollient that softens and maintains water balance by attracting moisture to your skin. It is proven to be so beneficial to your skin that it is extracted from commercial ‘soap’ and reserved for higher priced body care, hygiene and pharmaceutical products. Handmade soap retains all its natural glycerin glory and produces a rich and luxurious lather that is unparalleled to any other.

​When you purchase handmade soap from your local soapmaker, you can be certain that no humans were harmed, impoverished or subjected to sweat shop working conditions in the process. No communities or natural habitats were laid to waste by the run off from some large chemical factory and we don’t use lab animals to test our products. I think I speak for all handmade soapmakers when I proclaim to you that we have the utmost respect for the earth and all its creatures. Reverence to a kinder way of living is a big part of why we do what we do.

If you feel that variety is the spice of life then handmade soap won’t disappoint! No matter your skin type or personal preferences, there is a soapmaker out there who is creating just what your skin and senses crave at bath time. Not all handmade soap is alike and there are an infinite number of recipes and flavors for you to choose from. Have fun shopping around or chatting it up with a soapmaker next time you visit your local craft fair or farmers market. We are dedicated to helping you discover the joy of happy and healthy skin just the way you like it!